PLOT (only nine plots)
In any good plot, the protagonist has a problem. The plot should have the following elements:
protagonist has a problem
Protagonist tries to solve problem
protagonist fails
problem gets worse
protagonist reaches into self and finds solution
problem solved
validation (make it clear)
The Nine Plots:
a.Character vs. Character (people, individuals)
b.Character vs. Self
- am I crazy? (internal conflict)
- a person has to be able to live with self
c.Character vs. the Gods
- how has man lived? (culturally, historically)
- violation of taboos, etc.
d.Character vs. Machine (impact of technology and mans' effort, etc.). Classic example: 2001 Space Odyssey. The question is: Who comes out on top?
e.Man vs. Fate (Destiny)
- Overcoming a prophecy (can you beat your fate or circumstances you find yourself in)
- coping with a particular (hostile?) environment
f.Character vs. The Unknown
- (Star Trek, go out into the unknown where someone, thing wants to kill you)
- sometimes referred to as a ‘Quest story’
- Protagonist has limited life
- running out of time (DOA - Dennis Quade)
- Who wants to kill me? and why?
g.Character vs. Society or Culture
- conflict with societal values and societal prejudices
- the willingness of an individual to go against the conventions of society
h.Character vs. Circumstances (Situation)
- something unexpected happens to an individual
- thrown into an unusual set of circumstances
Mixing and Matching Plots
Careful - each genre has its own conventions, and follows a certain category or theme. Know the conventions of your genre - if you want to SELL what you write.
a.Suspense - Thriller
- sometimes called the "Race against the Clock," e.g., Cinderella, On The Beach, etc. Andromeda Strain: Gotta have an antidote within three days (one of the oldest of plots).
b.Solo Objective Plot
- Climax and conclusion can be the same, e.g., the Eagle has Landed.
c.The Daring Escape (Towering Inferno, Poseidon Adventure)
- Build up individual characters and then kill them off
- The element of suspense comes from not knowing who will survive and who will not (keep 'em guessing).
d.The Baffling Incident
- a bizarre event or set of circumstances
- suspense comes from learning the cause.
e.The Earlier Incident Follow-up
- Throughout the novel, the earlier incident is slowly revealed (Sparrow)
- Incident can be motivation for action with the novel
- sometimes called a "Whodunit?"
Examples of well-plotted Novels:
Our Game - John LeCarre (other novels, too)
Killer in the Rain - Raymond Chandler
Telling of Lies - Timothy Findley
Mortal Stakes - Robert Parker